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Note: Kubernetes uses some Docker-like containers tool so remember you won’t be able to run a Windows-based container on a Docker host with Linux on it – because Docker uses the host machine kernel.However, there are ways to work...


Docker commands:docker runis like docker create + docker start-it – interactive; will connect to the standard input of the container – thus allowing for interacting using the keyboardwe can run docker run -it sh – this will...
KinesisKinesis vs KafkaKinesisKafkaDeployment typesMay use 2 modes:- Provisioned mode- On-demand mode (new) – capacity is adjusted on demand; default capacity is 4MB/sec, maximum 200MB/s write and 400MB/s per consumer readRetention1-365 daysUnlimitedStream Topic ShardPartitionRecord partition keyRecord keyRecord dataRecord dataApproximateArrivalTimestampTimestamp ?Shard id (string)Partition number...
At some moment in time I had 2 HDDs on same PC:Linux WindowsAt boot time, when required I'd boot the right OS by hitting the boot menu key (in my case F12) and selecting the right HDD with the...
https://speakerdeck.com/vitalieb/efficient-logs-with-elastic-stackDemo code available at https://github.com/vitalieb/ElasticStackPresentation
IntroductionChannels are used for routing messages to endpoints.Channels do the routing and endpoints perform the operations.Spring Integration (SI) provides numerous adapters for communication between different systems.SI uses 3 types of components to construct its messaging architecture:MessageChannelEndpointEndpoint > Channel (passes...
Advanced class design: Anonymous classes are implicitly final and it can never be static.static method > default methoddefault method > abstract methoddefault method > default method (re-declared with different implementation)default method > static methodstatic method > non-static methodnon-static method > static methodStatic...
Checked InterruptedException in Java is a constant source of pain for many of us; here is my understanding of how it should be handled.Source: What Do You Do With InterruptedException?
I want to share with you my Spring Core Certification notes I took.Here they are:
What is Spring Boot? Spring Boot is a set of preconfigured framework that works on top of Spring Framework and simplifies configuring a Spring application. What are the advantages of using Spring Boot? Most important advantage is easy configuration of Spring application.Additional to...