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This series is dedicated to helping developers prepare for the Kubernetes Certified Application Developer (CKAD) exam. In Part 1, the focus is on the essential Kubernetes concepts, such as Pods, Services, and Deployments, that are crucial for the CKAD. This guide is designed to provide clear insights and strategies for mastering these topics, making the path to certification more manageable.
Note: Kubernetes uses some Docker-like containers tool so remember you won’t be able to run a Windows-based container on a Docker host with Linux on it – because Docker uses the host machine kernel.However, there are ways to work...


Docker commands:docker runis like docker create + docker start-it – interactive; will connect to the standard input of the container – thus allowing for interacting using the keyboardwe can run docker run -it sh – this will...
KinesisKinesis vs KafkaKinesisKafkaDeployment typesMay use 2 modes:- Provisioned mode- On-demand mode (new) – capacity is adjusted on demand; default capacity is 4MB/sec, maximum 200MB/s write and 400MB/s per consumer readRetention1-365 daysUnlimitedStream Topic ShardPartitionRecord partition keyRecord keyRecord dataRecord dataApproximateArrivalTimestampTimestamp ?Shard id (string)Partition number...
At some moment in time I had 2 HDDs on same PC:Linux WindowsAt boot time, when required I'd boot the right OS by hitting the boot menu key (in my case F12) and selecting the right HDD with the...
https://speakerdeck.com/vitalieb/efficient-logs-with-elastic-stackDemo code available at https://github.com/vitalieb/ElasticStackPresentation
IntroductionChannels are used for routing messages to endpoints.Channels do the routing and endpoints perform the operations.Spring Integration (SI) provides numerous adapters for communication between different systems.SI uses 3 types of components to construct its messaging architecture:MessageChannelEndpointEndpoint > Channel (passes...
Advanced class design: Anonymous classes are implicitly final and it can never be static.static method > default methoddefault method > abstract methoddefault method > default method (re-declared with different implementation)default method > static methodstatic method > non-static methodnon-static method > static methodStatic...
Checked InterruptedException in Java is a constant source of pain for many of us; here is my understanding of how it should be handled.Source: What Do You Do With InterruptedException?
I want to share with you my Spring Core Certification notes I took.Here they are: